Coming soon:
That's right, there are THREE artists named Heather who are directors at CityArts Cooperative. So OF COURSE we had to have a show. Yes, the title is annoying to say and type, and yes, we have heard way too many Heather jokes, and yes, it is totally worth it! I am honored to show with two lovely ladies, Heather Parker and Heather Hay.
We have a lot of annoying FUN ideas in the mix for the receptions:
- All Heathers in the area invited! All Heathers get cupcakes (maybe we're namists...)
- We will do a group photo of a field of Heather
- We will leave out a board for you to get those Heather jokes out of your system
- We will be showing the movie "Heathers" (which also has 3 Heathers!)
- I will be playing musical saw (which has little do to with playing off the name, but it's still fun!)
- We may have a collaborative piece that the three of us will work on during the length of the exhibit (and any other Heather is welcome to contribute!)
So I hope to see many of you at one of the receptions!
In other news, Studio b. is in the process of moving to Watersound! Today I picked up all of my art for the transitional period and now due to my art coming down from a few other locations... I HAVE TOO MUCH ART IN MY STUDIO! (Blasphemy!) But it's true, it is difficult to store it all. So because of this I am offering 20% OFF all non-paper-cut art from my studio for 2 weeks!
Contact me if you are interested in any art in particular, or if you would like to visit the studio to browse.