Friday, October 7, 2011

Learning More Art Biz

This professional artist thing isn't exactly the easiest gig.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I love what I do.  It's just not as simple as many other jobs where you simply do what you're 'supposed' to do.  I have to figure it all out for myself.  Or so I thought.  As professional artist, I am also a business owner.  That means I am not only an artist, but the accountant, the PR manager, the graphic designer, the secretary, and more.  I have been doing pretty well, well enough to make a living.  That, I think, is a huge accomplishment.  But when my wrist was sprained and I wasn't able to make artwork, it gave me a chance to think about the business.  I've just been learning as I go, picking up what works here and there.  I decided it was time to see what other people have learned in more years of experience.  So I picked up a couple of books.  The first one I borrowed was from the 90's and seriously said, "You may want to consider the possibility of owning a computer." and "Did you know that artists can now save images of their art on CD's?"  So while that book did have a lot of valuable information, I needed one that was more up-to-date.  After a lot of research I found the book for me:  "I'd Rather Be In the Studio: The Artist's No Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion."  I'm only halfway through this book and it has already been extremely helpful.  I'm taking tons of notes and already putting certain tips into action.  I have a head-start on a lot of things in these books, but there's always room for improvement.  I'm not trying to get rich (because who needs that?) I'm just trying to get my art to reach more people and places, while making a comfortable living.  So if you're an artist trying to make a living, I highly suggest this book.

A lot has happened this week.  Here are some not-so-weekly examples:
  • Mat's parents let us have their beautiful piano in our house!
  • That piano got tuned!
  • I got a MacBook Pro!  Holy crap, this is long overdue, I've been using an oooooold slooooow PC for tooooo looooong.  It got to the point where a 5 minute task could take an hour and a half, so I finally gave in and got a new computer.
  • I met with Colleen Duffley, owner of Studio b. to solidify some details about my solo exhibit that opens there December 30th.  (More info soon to come!)
  • The opening for "Figure it Out" at Studio b. is tonight!  It is an exhibit of all figurative works.  I have some work in there along side many talented artists.
  • I finished the painting for the next Panama City Visitor's Map.  I can't show you the whole thing, you will have to wait until the map comes out.  I can show you a tiny little detail as a teaser, though!

Thanks for following!

1 comment:

  1. You have an accountant that can teach you whatever you want to know anytime


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